
Just some improvements for the famous mcMMO Minecraft Plugin

Project maintained by Stephirio Hosted on GitHub Pages — Theme by mattgraham

This documentation is not completed yet but you will find main information.

Get Started

The MCMMOAdditions plugin is really simple. It’s easy to use and to customize. However there are some things that you need to know. Commands, permissions and config values instructions will be written down on this documentation wiki.

This is my first, plugin. I never developed in Java before. Also I have never developed any kind of plugin or mod for minecraft so I can understand that it is possible to find errors and bugs. If you find any bugs, want to suggest a feature or I missed something in this documentation feel free to write on Github, on Spigot or on Discord.


MCMMOAdditions adds some improvements to the mcMMO plugin without changing very much how it works. These are the main functions. The TODO list can be found here.


There are some useful commands that you can use.


Configuration Files


The configuration file contains the main functions of the plugin. Economy, Permissions and some messages are contained in this file. It’ easy customisable once you understand how Yaml works.

    levelup-money-mining: "default"

This is the first value that you can configure. This one in parrticular allows you to change the amount of money that a player gains by leveling up a specific skill. For this example we took the mining skill but you can change values for any of the 15 skills that mcMMO contains.


You have many types of values that you can insert in various parts of configuration files. Here are the main types.

    # String Values (Text values. If they contain quotes they have to be inside double quotes. If you want to insert a 
    # double quote you have to put a backslash behind it)
      value: "String value with \""

    # Integer/Double Values (Numbaers, where double=number with two decimals and integer a number without decimals.).
      another-value: 120.00
      another-int-value: 15
    # Note how with numbers you don't need any double quotes. With percentual or default you MUST use them.
    # Sometimes you will need to insert true or false values. As the name says true means true and false means false.
      a-boolean-value: true

    # The last values that you can insert are lists 
        - "Here you can insert any type"
        - "of value you want"
        - also strings without quotes
        or other values:
          - 504
          - 420
